The Latest - Jess Doak, Once A Dreamer

  Jess Doak - Once A Dreamer

Jess Doak lives and works her dream into reality

Jess is a proud Darumbal woman that has turned her dream into reality. With her business ‘Once A Dreamer’, Jess has over-come her past as a Survivor of Domestic Violence to achieve business success.  

First Nations Business Owner Jess Doak

First Nations Business Owner Jess Doak

Even though experiencing physical, emotional and spiritual abuse, Jess has always had drive and motivation. And despite recent set backs Jess is still growing her business. Recently Jess had an emotional and spiritual breakdown, but turning to her culture, art and business, Jess was able to work through the crisis and keep building her dream. In a recent Facebook post, Jess shared her story to her followers about her past and its influence on her art and products. Using the ‘Calming Waters’ Nappy Bag as an example, with the ocean design referring to the calming waters that helped to settle the turmoil inside of Jess and the little bag reminding her of the time she had to flee with her daughter with one small bag with personal items and ten dollars inside. Opening up to her 11400 followers on facebook about her past is something Jess never intentionally wanted to do, but she knows that if someone can take solace and strength from her story then it’s worth it.

First Nations Designed Nappy Bag

Jess’s business success, like other  success stories, was realised with hard work. Having an unrelenting self believe Jess set out to create products with her artwork that she couldn't find anywhere else. She started out with simple products like gift packs then moved onto more uncommon products like her ‘Santa On Country’ place mats. To keep realising her dream Jess is frequently investing in herself and her business, and taking the right risks. From starting out with a ‘Cricut Machine’ then moving onto bigger printers that offer more capacity, Jess is ready to make the right investment at the right time, even if the expense may be too costly for her business. 

First Nations Designed Products

But Jess has made her decisions work for her with her products expanding and her business growing, Jess is using her website, that was built by a friend who lives down the road, and her social media footprint to make the most of her artistic talents and business acumen. Jess has never received any formal business training but you would never notice, as she builds her business using solid marketing and distribution methods and financial savvy. Getting a bookkeeper and good accountant on-board early with her business has ensured Jess stays on top of her businesses financial health

When talking about her culture and spirituality Jess feels her old people’s spirits with her. She says as Black Businesses we should all feel proud of what we’ve achieved, despite being looked down upon and all the criticism we have face, we as First Nations businesses are showing the world what we can do despite the pain. Jess’s art is her healer and this why her art is her business but she reminds us that it’s important to have dreams and to reach your dreams you have to plan, set goals and work hard.

Jess Doak - Once A Dreamer


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